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It costs nothing to say “thank you”. Think of how good you feel when someone says it to you. Not as a passing comment but with sincerity where you can feel their appreciation and gratitude for what you have said or done. A compliment, a kind act, someone talking the time to do you a favour or simply taking the time to listen to you; these are no small things. They require you to pause and reflect. They require you to give thanks.

There are natural givers and takers in the world but eventually the givers become exhausted when there is no appreciation, no thank you, given in return. Eventually the well of giving runs dry. Resentment builds. Takers often don’t see this coming and are surprised and annoyed when slowly but surely their friends, families and colleagues are no longer there to support them.

A sincere “thank you” is as big a gift as the act that preceded it. This is how good will between people remains balanced. Giving and receiving are part of the same spectrum and under normal circumstances we find ourselves in both places over time. It is important to give freely and to receive with thanks. Such a simple phrase, one of the first phrases you learn as a child but one that has the power to change any situation.

Practice it, say it often and watch all your relationships change for the better.


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