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The current push for mandating the experimental COVID vaccine has opened up an interesting discussion. Since this new bio-technology is still in clinical trials until 2023, and legally an experimental drug cannot be mandated, both the pro and con arguments have merit.

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Adverse effects aside, since the vaccine does not stop an individual from getting COVID 19 or spreading it, and the vaccine efficacy only lasts approximately 6-8 months, the only reason to get it would be to ensure a less severe outcome if you get ill. For those with a compromised health profile, this makes sense.

For the younger and healthier individuals, several worldwide studies now show conclusively that we ALL have immune recognition to COVID 19 (from exposure over 20 years of corona viruses in the environment) and that our antibody response is very quick. This is good news as we have natural protection and our immune “memory” lasts a lifetime.

The argument that is being put forward that vaccination will stop the pandemic and allow life to be normal again is nonsense. In order to survive, viruses will continue to mutate and look for hosts to infect. The only real way to stop the spread of ANY infectious disease is to avoid infection. Since this vaccine does not stop the spread (only the severity) of the disease, we are back to the basics. Wearing a mask, social distancing and good hygiene are still the best tools.

Fear mongering and creating division between people based on what they choose (and have the right) to put into their bodies is harmful. The unvaccinated are NOT a threat to the vaccinated. Misinformation and a lack of transparency is a much greater threat.


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